PLEASE NOTE: The following is a February 1997 Statement from the USDA’s
Meat and Poultry Hotline (1-800-535-4555) regarding the safe making of
jerky. Many of the following recipes do not follow these USDA guidelines
exactly, but I wanted to include this statement from them so you would be
aware of it. I’ve made jerky in a food dehydrator many times without
cooking it first and have never had a problem, and have also used a lower
oven temperature than they recommend, but if you’d like to be SURE that
you’re safe from microorganisms or bacteria, you may want to adust any of
these recipes as needed to fit their guidelines, which they say will prevent
any bacteria or microorganisms from forming or lingering. Here is their
“Jerky can be made in a dehydrator, but the meat must be cooked first by
dehydrator. Just using the dehydrator will inactivate microorganisms but not
kill them. The right conditions of heat and moisture may cause the
microorganisms to become active without the consumer even being aware of a
potentially dangerous situation.”
Baking In An Oven First: Place the jerky on cake racks placed on baking
sheets and bake in a 325 F oven. Check the internal temperature using a meat
thermometer (stack the jerky and then insert the thermometer in the center).
An internal temperature of 160 F must be reached for beef products, fish and
game meats. An internal temperature of 180 F must be reached for poultry
products. Once this temperature is reached, you may proceed with the
manufacturer’s directions for drying jerky in a dehydrator (adjustments in
the listed length of time to dry will be required), or you may finish drying
in the oven using the following guidelines…….. The temperature of the
oven should be 170 F or higher and the door needs to be propped open 2 to 6
inches. Circulation can be improved by placing a fan outside the oven near
the door. CAUTION: This is not a safe practice for a home with small
children!! Dry the jerky until a test piece cracks but does not break when
it is bent (5 to 6 hours). Pat off any beads of oil with absorbent toweling
and cool. Remove strips from the racks. Cool. Package and store in a cool,
dry place.
Simmering In A Marinade First: The meat is marinated for both flavor and
tenderness. Ingredients for marinades include oil, salt and an acid product
such as vinegar, lemon juice, teriyaki, soy sauce or wine. Follow the
directions for the marinade of your choosing. After the meat has marinated
for 1-2 hours or overnight, place the meat and marinade in a saucepan and
simmer until the internal temperature of 160 F for beef, fish and game meats
or 180 F for poultry is reached using a meat thermometer (use the liquid to
measure the temperature). Drain. Continue by drying the jerky either in a
dehydrator or using the oven.
Okay, now that the legal “mumble jumble” is outta the way……….. On to
the recipes!! 
2 lbs round steak (or flank or brisket)
1/4 C. soy sauce
1 Tbsp. Worcestershire
1/4 tsp. ea. pepper and garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. hickory smoke-flavored salt
Trim and discard fat from meat. Cut meat in 1/8 to 1/4 thick slices. In a
bowl combine all but meat. Stir until seasonings dissolve. Add meat and mix
thoroughly. Let stand one hour. Shake off excess liquid and put meat slices
on oven racks or shallow baking pan. Dry meat at lowest possible oven temp
maybe 180 or 200) until it is brown, hard, and dry. Can take as long as 24
3 LBS lean bottom or top round (or sirloin rump is the best!)
Trim all external fat from meat and cut into 1/4″ – 1/8″ slices (or have
store meat-cutter do this, it’s his job!). Cut into 1″ wide strips
In a large bowl put:
2c. soy sauce
1 1/2 tbls. liquid smoke
1 tsp. worcestershire sauce
1/2 c.dark brown sugar
1/2 tsp. granulated garlic
dash of cayenne pepper powder
For HOT & SPICY add:
1tbls. crushed red pepper
Leave alot of crushed red pepper on beef strips!!!
Place strips in marinade and stir and poke with a fork to thoroughly
distribute marinade. Cover and put in refigerator for 24-48 hrs (the longer
the BETTER!). Place strips in a kitchen strainer. Shake off excess marinade
and place on dehydrator racks. Follow dehydrator instuctions for beef
jerky. You don’t have a dehydrator?! NO PROBLEM!!! Remove oven racks. Place
foil on bottom rack and replace at lowest position. Thoroughly CLEAN & DRY
top rack and lay strips width-wise across rack. Put at middle position and
turn on oven to lowest setting. Leave oven door open a crack to allow excess
moisture to escape. Jerky is done in 6-24 hrs depending on thickness of
strips. Jerky should be dry and able to bend without breaking or crumbling.
Store in zip-lock bag for weeks or freeze for up to one year. ENJOY!!!
1/2 ts Pepper (MORE FOR HOT)
1/2 ts Garlic Powder
1/2 ts Onion Salt
1 lb Beef Roast
1/2 c Soy sauce
1/2 ts Garlic Salt
1/2 ts Lemon Pepper
Marinate 1 hour or overnight. Bake in oven 150 to 170, overnight or for 10 -
12 hours. Leave oven door open to allow moisture to escape. Check often for
proper level of dryness. If you have a smoker, jerky may be dried in smoker.
Keep the heat low and again check dryness of jerky often.
1 Flank Steak Or London Broil
Coarse Black Pepper
1/2 c Soy Sauce
Garlic Powder
Cut flank steak or london broil into 1/4″ strips. Sprinkle with garlic
powder and coarse ground black pepper. Marinate in soy sauce for 24 hours.
Bake in 150 degree F oven for 10 to 12 hours. DO NOT exceed 150 degrees F.
2 lb London Broil
1/2 c Soy sauce
2 tb Worstershire sauce
2 ts Garlic powder
2 ts Onion powder
2 ts Fresly ground black pepper
2 ts Red pepper flakes, less for sissies
2 tb Liquid smoke
Freeze the London Broil or other lean roast. When ready to make jerky,
remove the roast from the freezer and let partially thaw. When just able to
slice, first remove all fat and then slice against the grain in thin (1/4
inch or less) slices. Cover the meat with the marinade, turn from time to
time and let marinade overnight. In the morning line a shallow cookie sheet
with a few layers of paper towels. Place on lower rack. Place upper rack in
oven in top position and lower rack in lower position. Hang the beef slices
from the upper rack with toothpicks above the paper towels. 6 hours at 160F
average temp is about right. If your oven is real tight, you might crack
open the door a bit to allow the water vapor to escape.
2 lb Round steak, chuck steak or roast
1 ts Onion salt
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Garlic salt
1/2 ts Lemon pepper
1/2 ts Sausage seasoning
1/2 ts Thyme
1/2 ts Oregano
1/2 ts Marjoram
1/2 ts Basil
Combine the spices in a dish. Cut the meat into strips less than 1/4 of an
inch thick. Remove ALL fat. Sprinkle one side with the combined seasonings
and beat with a meat hammer. Turn and repeat the seasoning and beating.
Place the strips on a cookie sheet or other flat pan. Place in a 120 F oven
for 4 hrs. Turn and put back for another 4 hrs. Keep the oven door propped
open for the entire time to allow the moisture to escape. With a gas oven,
the pilot light may be enough to provide the heat. Store in a plastic bag.
Do not store in a paper bag.
1 Flank steak
1 Clove garlic, minced
1/2 c Honey
1 Pinch pepper
4 tb Lemon juice
1/2 c Soy sauce
1 Pinch salt
Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak
across grain, about 1/4-inch thick. Combine remaining ingredients and
marinate steak strips in this for at least 2 hours. Place slices on rack in
pan and dry in oven at 150 degrees, 12 hours.
1/2 c Soy Sauce
1/2 c Worcestershire Sauce
2 tb Ketchup
1/2 ts Pepper (more for hot)
1/2 ts Garlic Powder
1/2 ts Onion Salt
1 lb Beef Roast
Marinate 1 hour or overnight. Bake in oven 150 to 170, overnight for 10 -12
2 lb Very lean Flank Steak or Brisket
1/3 c Soy Sauce
1 Garlic Clove, minced
Trim fat off meat. Cut across grain into 2 pieces; slice lengthwise with
grain into 4″ strips. Combine soy sauce and garlic in mixing bowl. add meat.
Marinate for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drain and arrange in
single layer on cooling rack set in baking pan. Bake overnight at 150 degree
F for 12 hours until dried. Blot meat on paper towel to absorb excess fat.
Store in tightly covered container. Will keep for several weeks. Does not
require refrigeration.
10. BEEF JERKY #10
2 -3 lb beef
1/2 c Soy sauce
1/2 c Worcestershire sauce
2 ts Accent
2/3 ts Garlic powder
2 ts Onion powder
2/3 ts Black pepper
2 ts Seasoned salt
Cut meat with the grain into 1/2-inch thick strips. Mix all other
ingredients to make a marinade. Submerge meat in marinade for 24 hours.
Place meat strips directly on the rack in the oven and cook for 8 hours at
150 degrees.
11. BEEF JERKY #11
1 lb Steak or roast
5 tb Soy sauce
3 tb Worcestershire sauce
2 tb Brown sugar
1 ts Paprika
1/2 ts Pepper
1/2 ts Garlic powder
1/2 ts Onion powder
Trim ALL the fat off the meat and slice into 1/4″ thick strips. Mix other
ingredients together. Marinate meat overnight in the mixture. Line cookie
sheets with foil and arrange meat on it in a single layer. Dry for 8 or more
hours at 200 deg F, turning every 2 hours. Cool and store in a tightly
covered jar or sealed in a plastic bag.
Other marinade ingredients (optional): 1/2 ts or more hot pepper sauce, /1/4
ts cayenne, 1 ts chili powder, 1 tb or more liquid smoke, 1 tb parsley
flakes, 1/2 ts ginger, 1/2 ts allspice.
12. BEEF JERKY #12
Lean beef
Soy sauce
Lemon Pepper
Garlic Salt
Freeze lean beef for 30 minutes. Slice 1/4 inch thick. Remove all fat. Dip
into soy sauce to which you have sprinkled lemon pepper and garlic salt.
Spread slices on cake racks placed on cookie sheets. Place cookie sheets in
150 degree oven for 10-12 hours. Store in air tight container.
13. BEEF JERKY #13
1 lb Lean beef
1/4 c Soy sauce
1 ts Garlic powder
Slice the lean beef (should cuts, flank or round steak) with the grain 1/4
to 1/2 inch wide and 2-6 inches long. Paint on or dip the strips into a
mixture of soy sauce and garlic powder. Place on wire rack in a deep oven
pan; dry completely in 150F for 8-12 hours.
14. BEEF JERKY #14
1 lb Beef loin tip OR… 1 lb Beef brisket
Barbecue Sauce (one with no sugar!)
Onion salt
Garlic salt
If necessary, roll out meat slices as thin as possible. Trim off fat. Set
oven at 200 degrees and line cookie sheets with foil. Brush one side of meat
with sauce. Put slices on cookie sheet; DO NOT STACK. Sprinkle lightly with
onion and garlic salts. Cook for 8 to 9 hours. Turn meat after 6 hours of
cooking and brush with sauce. Cool and store in a tightly covered jar or
sealed in a plastic bag.
15. BEEF JERKY #15
1/2 lb Flank steak
1 ts Salt
2 ts Sherry
4 ts Honey
3 tb Sugar
1 tb Catsup
1 tb Hoisin sauce
1 tb Oyster sauce
1 tb Light soy sauce
1 tb Dark soy sauce
Partially freeze meat first, then thinly slice beef Marinate in rest of
ingredients for at least 1 day. Bake single layer at 250 degrees for 45-55
16. BEEF JERKY #16
5 lb Beef (roast)
1/4 c Soy sauce
1 tb Worstershire sauce
1 ts Garlic powder
1 ts Onion powder
1 ts Black pepper (cracked if possible)
Red pepper flakes; optional
1 tb Liquid smoke
Place the strips of meat into marinade and let soak for about 24 hours.
Remove from marinade and allow to air dry for at least one hour. If you have
a meat smoker then omit the liquid smoke and smoke meat at a low
temperature. If not, then place meat strips directly on the rack in the oven
and cook for 12 hours at 150 degrees.
17. BEEF JERKY #17
1 Flank steak
1 Clove garlic, minced
1/2 c Honey
1 Pinch pepper
4 tb Lemon juice
1/2 c Soy sauce
1 Pinch salt
Put steak in freezer for about half an hour, just until firm. Slice steak
across grain, about 1/4-inch thick. Combine remaining ingredients and
marinate steak strips in this for at least 2 hours. Place slices on rack in
pan and dry in oven at 150 degrees, 12 hours.
18. BEEF JERKY #18
3 lb Rump roast (or similar cut)
1/2 c Light japanese soy sauce
1/4 c Worchestershire sauce
1/4 c White vinegar
1 c Water
1/2 ts Ground ginger
1/4 ts Ground red pepper
1/4 ts Ground black pepper
1 tb Onion powder
1 Clove garlic; smashed
Have the butcher cut your roast in 1/8 inch slice against the grain OR do it
at home. If you don’t have good cutlery, have the butcher do it. It won’t be
worth it! Cut off the slice of fat on the bottom. Separate the two distinct
sinews. (you can tell, the grain goes one way on one, and the other way on
the other). Trim out the “gristle” that is between them. slice the two
sinews against the grain into 1/8 inch slices. Mix the soya, and remaining
ingredients to make the marinade. Marinade the meat slices for 6 or 8 hours
in the fridge and then bake in the oven, directly on the rack, for 12 hours
at 150 F.
19. BEEF JERKY #19
2 To 3 Pounds Round, Chuck Steak Or Chuck Roast
1 ts Onion Salt
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Garlic Salt
1/2 ts Lemon Pepper
1/2 ts Sausage Seasoning
1/2 ts Thyme
1/2 ts Oregano
1/2 ts Marjoram
1/2 ts Basil
Combine the spices in a dish. Cut the meat into strips less than 1/4 of an
inch thick. Remove ALL fat. Sprinkle one side with the combined seasonings
and beat with a meat hammer. Turn and repeat the seasoning and beating._
Place the strips on a cookie sheet or other flat pan. Place in a 120 degree
F oven for 4 hours. Turn and put back for another 4 hours. Keep the oven
door propped open for the entire time to allow the moisture to escape. With
a gas oven, the pilot light may be enough to provide the heat. Store in a
plastic bag.
20. BEEF JERKY #20
2 qt Water
2 c Salt
1 c Vinegar
2 tb Pepper
Cut meat as thin as possible. Remove all fat. Boil approximately 6 minutes.
Roll moisture from meat. Put on cookie sheet in middle of oven for 1 1/2 to
2 hours at 200 degrees F. Leave oven door cracked to let moisture out. Coat
with Liquid Smoke and A-1 Sauce. Store in airtight jar.