How To Earn More
Than 500
A Month with Fanbox
I was looking for new online earning opportunities. Aside from
my Hubpages article writing, I was also busy posting links at Redgage and
acquiring new friends there. I was looking for new stuff online when a new
friend from Redgage told me about Fanbox.
So that is how it started, I signed up with Fanbox and saw that
is somewhat like Facebook. The only difference is that Fanbox shares its income
with its members and as day goes by opens up new ways of earning online for its
Fanbox is basically a combination of social networking and
blogging. There is a Top BloggerLeaderBoard in terms of how your earn for the
last 30 days or in terms of All-Time earnings. The BloggerLeaderBoard can be
configured to show the top for your country or Worldwide.
At Fanbox, you a are a Knowledge Worker, and as a Knowledge
Worker, you shall be compensated for helping disseminate knowledge through
production of blogs, categorizing and rating of blogs (through keywords you
choose for a blog and rating them in a range fo 1 to 10 with 10 as the highest
on how much a keyword relates to the blog post), investing or boosting,
teaching (guiding newbies on how to earn and use fanbox), coaching (involves
teaching and review and approving of ads), creating ads for your blog post or post
of others in fanbox, by providing (offering a service or product).
My Initial Confusion with Fanbox
At first I was really confused with Fanbox. This was partly due
to the fact that its a totally new way of earning and engaging people online.
Its a totally different approach to what we used to know on how to earn online.
It is a way of democratizing the dissemination of knowledge
wherein there is a platform for people to disseminate and share knowledge and
they get to earn in the process instead of the platform provider getting all
the profits for themselves.
So How Does One Earn at Fanbox?
As I have mentioned in the paragraph above, Fanbox is a
combination of blogging and social networking. So the main way of earning is
blogging. Blogging within an invironment where there are already a large
traffic of people opening their account daily and if you gain lots of fans and
friends, everytime you create a bog post, they see it in their WALL (just like
Facebook) and there is a higher likelihood that they will read your posts, and
if they are not a fan yet, they can click become a Fan. Non-fans can see you
blog post if one of the people that they are a fan to shares your blog post.
Blogging is just one of them, if you have been doing blog post
to earn, you can earn through other means that are more easier but not less
profitable. Read the list that follows.
How to Earn More with Fanbox?
1. Create Ads for your own blog post or the post of others on
The recent top performers at Fanbox like Peter T and Armil Velos
have reached the top by creating ads on their own post and the post of other
Fanbox bloggers and funding them. My guess is that they fund them at a rate of
$300 - $500 per day and they earn from $500 - $800 on a daily basis. Their
earnings mature after 90 days which is not bad considering the enormous returns
that they enjoy. Funds can be reused to fund Ads on the succeeding day.
2. Boost or Invest
There are also those who invest money and have Fanbox decide how
much the required rate of return is or you choose your minimum desired rate of
return. Those with lower rate of desired return are utilized first.
3. Categorize and Rate the blogs of other people
Just recently when IPL (i'll Pay Later)were introduce, earnings
of CAR is converted into IPL credit, in which, if you activate your IPL limit
your IPL limit will increase.