Make More Money on FanBox -Super Earning Secrets
I'm also going to show you some tag/keyword secrets to make you more money on FanBox.
This article is broken into sections:
- First Thing
- Understand How You Make Money on FanBox
- Why Do I Need Lots of Fans?
- What is Everyone Else Posting About?
- When You Choose Tags Make Sure They Relate to Your Post
- Consider Your Post Quality
- What Do I Write About?
- If You Didn't Write it - Show Your Source
- Photos will Delay Your Post, Videos Will Not
-Make Sure the Video You Choose on YouTube WILL Embed
-Using AutoPlay on YouTube Videos
- Where Should the $ Go?
- If You Buy Ads
- There is no "one size fits all" for ads
- You Can Buy Ads on Other People's Posts Too!
- There is no "one size fits all" for ads
- Import Your Existing Blogs From Outside of FanBox
- Categorize and Rate Posts for Money!
- Knowledge Investor
- Be a Teacher
- Build Your Own Blogging Community
- First Thing
- Understand How You Make Money on FanBox
- Why Do I Need Lots of Fans?
- What is Everyone Else Posting About?
- When You Choose Tags Make Sure They Relate to Your Post
- Consider Your Post Quality
- What Do I Write About?
- If You Didn't Write it - Show Your Source
- Photos will Delay Your Post, Videos Will Not
-Make Sure the Video You Choose on YouTube WILL Embed
-Using AutoPlay on YouTube Videos
- Where Should the $ Go?
- If You Buy Ads
- There is no "one size fits all" for ads
- You Can Buy Ads on Other People's Posts Too!
- There is no "one size fits all" for ads
- Import Your Existing Blogs From Outside of FanBox
- Categorize and Rate Posts for Money!
- Knowledge Investor
- Be a Teacher
- Build Your Own Blogging Community
First Thing
One of the first things you should decide is how you're going to graduate to double profits.
You have 2 easy choices :
(1) Complete the Security Flow and verify your FanBox account. It's a very fast process and will enable you to earn double profits upon completion.
The red box in this image points to where to go on your home page to get started. One you do that, you will earn double profits on ads, blogs and boosting.
One of the first things you should decide is how you're going to graduate to double profits.
You have 2 easy choices :
The red box in this image points to where to go on your home page to get started. One you do that, you will earn double profits on ads, blogs and boosting.
(2) Try out the Knowledge Roles - this method of graduating will also qualify you to join the Success Coach program! You will need to be nominated by your SC and go through testing but having a passion for FanBox is a great place to start if you have a goal for being an SC.
Once you have tried out the different Knowledge Roles of categorizing and rating, putting up a Provide, doing 3 good ads that get published, creating a blog post and trying out a minimum of $1 in Boost (which you get back), your tags will fill in and once the black tag is filled in - you're a graduate!
Understand How You Make Money on FanBoxFirst, understand how you make money on FanBox. The FanBox algorithms are complex and written to reward you for readers who are actually interested in your content. You get paid for the time people spend reading your blogs. It doesn't matter if those readers come from FanBox, Facebook, Twitter or Google.
Also, not all readers are equal, some people will be worth more money than others to your particular blogs and interests. You get paid by a sampling of your readers.
And let's get a little mythology out of the way:
Sing it with me : Comments Don't Equal Earnings.
"I got a lot of comments and I am not earning-it's a Bug/Glitch/Problem on FanBox!"You got a lot of comments? That's great! But it doesn't mean you earned diddly-squat.
The algorithms are far more advanced than that. They actually measure how quality of an experience your post was for the reader. If you're putting up junk expecting to earn -give that plan up and start producing quality and you'll start earning. It doesn't have to be original, but it's better for you if it is.
The bottom line is this: you need to drive as much traffic as possible to your FanBox blogs. Fan everyone you can, the more fans you have - the better; and I will cover why that is in more detail below.
Every single one of those tags you use when you publish has an assigned value that goes up or down every night at 11pm. Those tags determine how much you pay per click (or Knowledge Investor pays per click) by adding up all 6 of them.
Popular tags cost more per click than less popular tags, but the potential to earn more is there.
For example the tag "dog" may cost $1.00 per click and the tag "dog training" may cost .10-cents per click.
I'll use this as an example further down in this post.
Okay, here's the Reader's Digest Condensed Version of my o
wn FanBox learning curve. My first week or so on FanBox was totally frustrating. I made NOTHING.
I also wasn't running ads.
Then, I started running ads and guess what? It was the exposure I needed to start bringing in traffic. I will talk more about ads below, but I am here to tell you they work and you don't have spend a ton of money, in fact you don't have to spend ANY money. I've cleared $9,000 as of November 2011 and I have spent somewhere in the vicinity of about $300 total on ads in that time. But not my own money, I earned Ad Credits, and I'll show you how to do that too!
That's a heckuva good return if you ask me in both terms of fans and money.
I also wasn't running ads.
Then, I started running ads and guess what? It was the exposure I needed to start bringing in traffic. I will talk more about ads below, but I am here to tell you they work and you don't have spend a ton of money, in fact you don't have to spend ANY money. I've cleared $9,000 as of November 2011 and I have spent somewhere in the vicinity of about $300 total on ads in that time. But not my own money, I earned Ad Credits, and I'll show you how to do that too!
That's a heckuva good return if you ask me in both terms of fans and money.
If you ask anyone in the Top 10 on the LeaderBoard, "What is the secret to your success" 9 times out of 10 they will tell you to (among other great advice) to get all the fans you can and here's why.
When you publish a blog post on FanBox, that post gets blasted around FanBox to all your fans and friends. AND everyone that is determined to have an interest in your post based on the tags you choose. Hopefully those people become fans of you too! You can make money if you don't have a lot of fans if you run ads as they give you site-wide exposure.
What is Everyone Else Posting About?
Check out the Top Searches at and see what the trending subjects are on FanBox. These are popular subjects and the competition for these topics will be huge. The top searches change a little every day so check in before you post if you want to see what they are.
As far as Knowledge Investor goes, this is also valuable research information because it shows you what is currently being searched and read the most on FanBox right now.
If you want to invest in a particular topic this is a great way to see what's popular to ensure your investment gets utilized.
Check out the Top Searches at and see what the trending subjects are on FanBox. These are popular subjects and the competition for these topics will be huge. The top searches change a little every day so check in before you post if you want to see what they are.
As far as Knowledge Investor goes, this is also valuable research information because it shows you what is currently being searched and read the most on FanBox right now.
If you want to invest in a particular topic this is a great way to see what's popular to ensure your investment gets utilized.
Keywords are tags and tags are keywords. Also referred to as "Interests".
Another place to go mine for keyword gold is in the tags. Go to the listing of all Premium Blogs here and see those tags?
They look like this in a cloud formation:
Another place to go mine for keyword gold is in the tags. Go to the listing of all Premium Blogs here and see those tags?
They look like this in a cloud formation:
The larger and bolder the letters are, the more popular the "tag". Happiness is more popular than hope because it's bigger. Once, I would have recommended that you write a blog post about something that enabled you to personally find Happiness and include that tag (keyword) in your 6 words when you publish.
However in the present I would strongly suggest that you expand that tag to be more unique by calling it "personal happiness" or "finding happiness" because the competition for the single, popular tags can be enormous and if you advertise, it will cost more per click.
and here is "the why" for you to be aware of.
Everyone knows about the tag cloud. It's not a big secret.
And a good number of people use only words from the tag cloud.
Can you guess what happens?
Remember that ads are served by supply and demand of tags/interests.
It creates a "bottleneck" of ads competing for the same tags to be shown. When this happens it gets down to how much you're willing to pay per click and also the quality score the post the ad is promoting.
Tags help FanBox as well as search engines like Google classify your post and drive more traffic to your posts. The downside is that there is tremendous competition on the popular tags and they will cost you more per click on ads if you choose to buy ads.
I used to recommend using popular tags to blast your post around FanBox, but now with so many more people and billions of posts, I choose unique, descriptive tags for my ads so I pay less per click. You can make all the unique, descriptive tags you want simply by adding a word to an already popular tag. If you wrote a post about Angelina Jolie, instead of just using "beautiful" or "beautiful women" (which are both large if you look at that tag cloud) make it more unique and descriptive by using "beautiful slender women" or "beautiful brunette women" or "actress".
When You Choose Tags Make Sure They Relate to Your Post
Now more than ever this is important to understand.
If you write about your break up with your husband and what caused it, don't choose "music" as one of your keywords (those 6 words you choose when you type in your article title and publish it) simply because it's a popular keyword.
Important: Make sure that your keywords go with the content of your article. Or the system will "punish" your post with few impressions as a low quality post.
Everyone knows about the tag cloud. It's not a big secret.
And a good number of people use only words from the tag cloud.
Can you guess what happens?
Remember that ads are served by supply and demand of tags/interests.
It creates a "bottleneck" of ads competing for the same tags to be shown. When this happens it gets down to how much you're willing to pay per click and also the quality score the post the ad is promoting.
Tags help FanBox as well as search engines like Google classify your post and drive more traffic to your posts. The downside is that there is tremendous competition on the popular tags and they will cost you more per click on ads if you choose to buy ads.
I used to recommend using popular tags to blast your post around FanBox, but now with so many more people and billions of posts, I choose unique, descriptive tags for my ads so I pay less per click. You can make all the unique, descriptive tags you want simply by adding a word to an already popular tag. If you wrote a post about Angelina Jolie, instead of just using "beautiful" or "beautiful women" (which are both large if you look at that tag cloud) make it more unique and descriptive by using "beautiful slender women" or "beautiful brunette women" or "actress".
Now more than ever this is important to understand.
If you write about your break up with your husband and what caused it, don't choose "music" as one of your keywords (those 6 words you choose when you type in your article title and publish it) simply because it's a popular keyword.
Important: Make sure that your keywords go with the content of your article. Or the system will "punish" your post with few impressions as a low quality post.
Also, don't be afraid to make your 6 keywords that you choose when you publish absolutely unique to your post. Like if you're posting about a very specific niche or subject that hasn't exactly been covered on FanBox before such as the actress Frances Farmer.
When I first wrote this post, my 6 keywords I chose were :
When I first wrote this post, my 6 keywords I chose were :
- beautiful women <-- popular tag but not exactly descriptive of the post and will cost more per click if I run an ad.
- actress <- frances farmer was an actress
- hollywood actress<- frances farmer was a hollywood actress
- frances farmer <- her name
- movies <-popular tag but not exactly descriptive of the post
- famous people <- frances farmer was a famous person
Now, in the newer incarnations of the algorithms of FanBox, I need to do better than that.
I would suggest to add some tags that describe this post even better.
Once upon a time, it was great to use just the popular tags but now you need to be more descriptive to break out of the slush pile of blog posts.
Far better than "beautiful women" or "movies" might be:
- mental illness - frances farmer was mentally ill
-author and actress - frances farmer wrote a book
-frances farmer biography - the article is her biography
See? Those 3 tags describe this post even better than the original tags and help FanBox classify where this post should appear even more accurately.
These terms are for the post, we'll talk more about the ads later on in this piece.
I would suggest to add some tags that describe this post even better.
Once upon a time, it was great to use just the popular tags but now you need to be more descriptive to break out of the slush pile of blog posts.
Far better than "beautiful women" or "movies" might be:
- mental illness - frances farmer was mentally ill
-author and actress - frances farmer wrote a book
-frances farmer biography - the article is her biography
See? Those 3 tags describe this post even better than the original tags and help FanBox classify where this post should appear even more accurately.
These terms are for the post, we'll talk more about the ads later on in this piece.
The unique tags that may or may not have been used before : actress, frances farmer, famous people, and hollywood actress will ensure that if anyone searches for blogs on those subjects - they will be more likely to get your blog post. Even more so if you add the additional tags after publishing.
Also, you want your post rated highly by people doing categorizing and rating.
Because if enough people vote YES your post is highly relevant for the various search terms you choose, your post will wind up near or at the TOP of searches done for that topic.
The result is you get more clicks and more earnings.
Because if enough people vote YES your post is highly relevant for the various search terms you choose, your post will wind up near or at the TOP of searches done for that topic.
The result is you get more clicks and more earnings.
Consider Your Post Quality
Personally, I don't like to duplicate content from anywhere else on the web whenever possible, so I rewrite a lot of content to make it unique.
Personally, I don't like to duplicate content from anywhere else on the web whenever possible, so I rewrite a lot of content to make it unique.
You don't have to do this, but I seem to get better quality ratings (meaning higher rankings in FanBox Search) with unique content. Also if you DO use something from off the web - quote your source.
There is such a thing as "Fair Use" but a full article is far more content than Fair Use ever intended.
There is such a thing as "Fair Use" but a full article is far more content than Fair Use ever intended.
So, What Do I Write About?
First of all, don't worry too much about what's popular and don't let it give you writer's block. It's far more important to be yourself in the FanBox community. If you just write about that things that interest you, it's almost impossible not to hit on a popular topic that will bring you fans.
First of all, don't worry too much about what's popular and don't let it give you writer's block. It's far more important to be yourself in the FanBox community. If you just write about that things that interest you, it's almost impossible not to hit on a popular topic that will bring you fans.
Ask yourself what you like and share it with other FanBoxers. It's better to be an expert in a few things that you enjoy writing about rather than struggling to write blogs on what THINK people want to read.
Here's a great example of finding how to show who you are on FanBox.
I volunteer as a success coach and I had someone really struggling writing nonstop blogs about broken hearts and divorces because she thought it was a really popular subject and she was right, that is a popular niche.
Her heart wasn't in the posts and it showed. They weren't interesting because it was yet another cut and paste from Wikipedia and no one read them. Who wants to read State by State divorce statistics? I don't and neither do you.
She made ads no one clicked and she didn't make money. She was frustrated, she wasn't earning and I don't blame her.
So I asked her what she really enjoyed.
Turns out she's been happily married for 17+ years and is a stay at home mom who loves to bake cookies and in fact, dreams of opening a cake and pastry shop one day. I told her to blog about her love of baking, the challenges of homeschooling and instead of divorces and broken hearts, the inside scoop on how she's made her marriage work for 17 yrs. She got excited about sharing photos her kitchen creations, she shared videos on YouTube of techniques she herself was learning in baking. She was writing about her 3 yr old learning to read from sitting in on homeschooling with her 6-year old, and guess what? People got interested in knowing her because she became an expert in her niche sharing what she knew.
She is making regular money from her blogs and it's not work because she posts what she is interested in.
People will be interested in knowing you too.
Here's a great example of finding how to show who you are on FanBox.
I volunteer as a success coach and I had someone really struggling writing nonstop blogs about broken hearts and divorces because she thought it was a really popular subject and she was right, that is a popular niche.
Her heart wasn't in the posts and it showed. They weren't interesting because it was yet another cut and paste from Wikipedia and no one read them. Who wants to read State by State divorce statistics? I don't and neither do you.
She made ads no one clicked and she didn't make money. She was frustrated, she wasn't earning and I don't blame her.
So I asked her what she really enjoyed.
She is making regular money from her blogs and it's not work because she posts what she is interested in.
People will be interested in knowing you too.
If You Didn't Write it - Show Your Source
Also - quote those sources at the bottom of your blog post. If you're sharing an article from another site that you did not write yourself - give 'em some love and show the source for your post. I know as a writer, it irks me when I see something I wrote on someone else's site and they make it look like they wrote it, especially when I see someone is making money off it.
Also - quote those sources at the bottom of your blog post. If you're sharing an article from another site that you did not write yourself - give 'em some love and show the source for your post. I know as a writer, it irks me when I see something I wrote on someone else's site and they make it look like they wrote it, especially when I see someone is making money off it.
Photos will Delay Your Post, Videos Will Not
I don't like waiting for photos to be approved so a lot of times I'll supplement a post with a video instead of an image. Videos won't hold up the posting process of getting your post out there. Also if you're posting a video, give your reader a little synopsis of what the video will be about, often I put how long a video is in my write ups so the person knows they are only staying one minute and eleven seconds to watch cats in tanks for example. The more detailed you are, the more the text indexer and Google will know how to classify your post. Images and videos can't be classified through text - that's why it's so important to be descriptive in order to get better rankings.
Follow the FanBox rules when posting images or YouTube videos:
No nipples, no genitalia, no bare butts and no graphic sexual content.
I don't like waiting for photos to be approved so a lot of times I'll supplement a post with a video instead of an image. Videos won't hold up the posting process of getting your post out there. Also if you're posting a video, give your reader a little synopsis of what the video will be about, often I put how long a video is in my write ups so the person knows they are only staying one minute and eleven seconds to watch cats in tanks for example. The more detailed you are, the more the text indexer and Google will know how to classify your post. Images and videos can't be classified through text - that's why it's so important to be descriptive in order to get better rankings.
Follow the FanBox rules when posting images or YouTube videos:
No nipples, no genitalia, no bare butts and no graphic sexual content.
Make Sure the Video You Choose on YouTube WILL Embed
Also, when you get the video code off, look down to where it says "embed" and make sure it doesn't say "embedding disabled by request" - choose another video if you see that - it will stop the video from being displayed on FanBox.
Also, when you get the video code off, look down to where it says "embed" and make sure it doesn't say "embedding disabled by request" - choose another video if you see that - it will stop the video from being displayed on FanBox.
Using AutoPlay on YouTube Videos
There's been a huge boom in people using autoplay on their posts, it's freakin' annoying if you ask me but here's how it works.
After the Youtube video code type &autoplay=1This means your video will play one time automatically.
The page loads and your video will start.
If you want music only to play, type 3 and 3 in each "Dimensions" box on the video insertion page the video itself won't show on your page, only the sound.
Hint : put the autoplay code AFTER the green dollar sign ($) or it will automatically start playing in preview mode for anyone just scrolling over your blogs to see what they'd like to read.
It's a special feeling when someone has 5 blogs in preview that start playing at once. LOL.
Where Should the $ Go?
Just write enough at the top of your blog to entice the visitor to your blog to want to click to continue to read. That's where the big green dollar sign goes. It turns into the words "Read More" on your news feed and blog page. The dollar sign is there to make it easy to go through blogs and see if you want to read more, it is NOT part of whether you get paid or not.
At one time it was an important part of blogging, now it's just something to use to show your readers what the blog is about.
There's been a huge boom in people using autoplay on their posts, it's freakin' annoying if you ask me but here's how it works.
After the Youtube video code type &autoplay=1This means your video will play one time automatically.
The page loads and your video will start.
If you want music only to play, type 3 and 3 in each "Dimensions" box on the video insertion page the video itself won't show on your page, only the sound.
Hint : put the autoplay code AFTER the green dollar sign ($) or it will automatically start playing in preview mode for anyone just scrolling over your blogs to see what they'd like to read.
It's a special feeling when someone has 5 blogs in preview that start playing at once. LOL.
Where Should the $ Go?
Just write enough at the top of your blog to entice the visitor to your blog to want to click to continue to read. That's where the big green dollar sign goes. It turns into the words "Read More" on your news feed and blog page. The dollar sign is there to make it easy to go through blogs and see if you want to read more, it is NOT part of whether you get paid or not.
At one time it was an important part of blogging, now it's just something to use to show your readers what the blog is about.
If you don't put the $ in your blog post, the FanBox computer will add it after roughly 30% of the content of your article. People visiting from Google, Facebook and other realms outside of FanBox will be taken to the entire article anyway so it's not a huge issue from off-FanBox traffic.
If You Buy AdsI updated this section because FanBox changed how ads are done again and change is not a bad thing.
Ads on FanBox are Pay-Per-Click.
This means you need to choose your tags carefully and make every click count because now you're paying for them (or Boost is).
Previously, if you posted a blog post, you could be a broad in your tags. Now, because those clicks cost money, you need to make sure that you're attracting the people who want to read your posts.
Every tag has an assigned amount that changes depending on demand (ads, readers, etc...).
How much you are charged per click is the total of those 6 tags you chose for your ad.
This means you need to choose your tags carefully and make every click count because now you're paying for them (or Boost is).
Previously, if you posted a blog post, you could be a broad in your tags. Now, because those clicks cost money, you need to make sure that you're attracting the people who want to read your posts.
Every tag has an assigned amount that changes depending on demand (ads, readers, etc...).
How much you are charged per click is the total of those 6 tags you chose for your ad.
Let's say you wrote a post about "Training Your Chihuahua".
The post is about how to make your Chihuahua into a good family pet with training like sit, stay, fetch and housebreaking.
Okay, your six tags you choose will determine how much you pay every time someone clicks your ad.
Let's look at it if you chose some really popular tags when we published this post :
The post is about how to make your Chihuahua into a good family pet with training like sit, stay, fetch and housebreaking.
Okay, your six tags you choose will determine how much you pay every time someone clicks your ad.
Let's look at it if you chose some really popular tags when we published this post :
- dog
- pet
- knowledge
- advice
- training
- family
Every one of those is a *very* popular tag and let's say they cost $1 each.
So $1 x 6 tags = $6 a click and that's just an estimate.
FanBox does not give us click amounts on tags but you'll notice from your ad cost that how fast ad campaigns max out their daily budgets if you are using tags that are costing too much.
Do you see how high you'd have to set your daily budget just to make money?
You need more than 1 click to really make a good return on ads.
And there's another problem too. Chihuahua's are great family dogs, but using the tag "family" will show this to everyone on FanBox that has "family" as an interest. How likely do you think it is that someone with the interest "family" will click on my ad about training a Chihuahua? I'm basically wasting advertising on that search term and I can do better. Because otherwise I run the risk of getting a low quality score because someone looking for a post on "family" may not enjoy my Chihuahua training post.
What happens when people click and don't stay on your post?
It would appear to FanBox my ad wasn't popular and my post wasn't either because when my daily budget ran out, that ad would stop appearing in the rotation unless I switched it to Knowledge Booster. And you do not earn nearly as much when Knowledge Booster funds your ads.
You earn 1/3 of the non-Boost amount to be specific.
So $1 x 6 tags = $6 a click and that's just an estimate.
FanBox does not give us click amounts on tags but you'll notice from your ad cost that how fast ad campaigns max out their daily budgets if you are using tags that are costing too much.
Do you see how high you'd have to set your daily budget just to make money?
You need more than 1 click to really make a good return on ads.
And there's another problem too. Chihuahua's are great family dogs, but using the tag "family" will show this to everyone on FanBox that has "family" as an interest. How likely do you think it is that someone with the interest "family" will click on my ad about training a Chihuahua? I'm basically wasting advertising on that search term and I can do better. Because otherwise I run the risk of getting a low quality score because someone looking for a post on "family" may not enjoy my Chihuahua training post.
What happens when people click and don't stay on your post?
It would appear to FanBox my ad wasn't popular and my post wasn't either because when my daily budget ran out, that ad would stop appearing in the rotation unless I switched it to Knowledge Booster. And you do not earn nearly as much when Knowledge Booster funds your ads.
You earn 1/3 of the non-Boost amount to be specific.
Make your tags more unique to the post and pay less per click on your ads.
Remember the post was about training your Chihuahua so choose tags that really describe it.
But remember those tag words are the ONE sole way your ads get shown to the people most likely to click your ad and enjoy your post.
Okay that's how to get your posts found.
Now let's get into ads.
Remember for ads, you MUST have interested people to be shown your ad so they can click it.
Do not necessarily use all the same tags/interests for your ads that you use for your blog post.
Go check it out now, and then come back.
The post is short, sweet and will totally rock your world.
I'll hang around and wait for you.
You back? Great!
Let's move on. Now, each of those tags is probably going to cost me, worst case scenario, roughly .10-cents per click.
I am just basing it on previous ads and advertising costs, again FanBox doesn't give us this information.
You just have to pay attention to your clicks and what you're spending on ads for a while to learn it.
So .10-cents x 6 tags = .60-cents per click.
See how much lower I can set my daily budget and STILL make money?
Let's move on. Now, each of those tags is probably going to cost me, worst case scenario, roughly .10-cents per click.
I am just basing it on previous ads and advertising costs, again FanBox doesn't give us this information.
You just have to pay attention to your clicks and what you're spending on ads for a while to learn it.
So .10-cents x 6 tags = .60-cents per click.
See how much lower I can set my daily budget and STILL make money?
If you want to use a tag like "music" and you have a blog post about your favorite hiphop artist, make sure that you use "hiphop" as a tag when you publish so someone who loves jazz or country but hates hiphop won't cost you money by clicking on your ad but not staying.
You don't earn for readers who don't stay.
In fact, if people land on your post and don't stay, the FanBox algorithms will assume your post isn't very interesting to readers and will discount its worth and you won't make much, if any money either.
You want to attract the visitors that will stay, read and engage your blogs.
You don't earn for readers who don't stay.
In fact, if people land on your post and don't stay, the FanBox algorithms will assume your post isn't very interesting to readers and will discount its worth and you won't make much, if any money either.
You want to attract the visitors that will stay, read and engage your blogs.
When you buy an ad now, you will be given the option to either run it continuously or set a date range.
It doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you check your stats every day.
The impressions and cost-per-click graphs are no longer a part of stats reporting.
Now you will only have one single graph bar showing you ad click rate, but you can still glean some good information from that. There is no best click rate. As long as your click rate is going up or maintaining, you're good.
It doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you check your stats every day.
The impressions and cost-per-click graphs are no longer a part of stats reporting.
Now you will only have one single graph bar showing you ad click rate, but you can still glean some good information from that. There is no best click rate. As long as your click rate is going up or maintaining, you're good.
When putting up an ad, after you put up your ad title and text, the second part of building an ad is to check the tags. The tags you used when you published will automatically be published. Make sure those are the tags you want to use. Then click "Target My Ad". This tells FanBox who (along with your fans and friends) will be most interested in your post based on your tags and content.
Next you will want to set your Daily Budget for your ads.
You will have two big choices here - you can fund it yourself or you can let Knowledge Investor fund it.
If you fund the ad yourself, make sure and set your daily budget to something you can live with. If you want Knowledge Booster to fund your ad, just set your daily budget to 0.00 and then click "Launch my ad".
You will have two big choices here - you can fund it yourself or you can let Knowledge Investor fund it.
If you fund the ad yourself, make sure and set your daily budget to something you can live with. If you want Knowledge Booster to fund your ad, just set your daily budget to 0.00 and then click "Launch my ad".
You will be shown the final copy of your ad and all you have to do is finalize it and that's it!
Now, this is the computer "learning" how popular your post is.
I call it "the honeymoon period" for ads.
The algorithms are actually learning if people are clicking your ad and staying on your post.
After a short period of time, the computer will make a decision on how popular your ad is and continue to show impressions or it will start limiting them and further actions (or lack of actions) by people will determine how that ad performs and earns for you.
Watch your click rate from this point on, it doesn't really matter where your click rate starts at, you just want it to go up and not down. If you're funding an ad yourself and the click rate goes down, change the funding to Knowledge Investor (set your daily budget to 0.00) and move on to the next post and ad you want to run.
Often, if your click rate isn't good, it's not the post, your ad just needed to be a little more enticing for people to click through. I had a post I thought was great and wanted the world to know about, it was about a women who saved 2500 children and then lost out on the Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and his global warming slide show.
The first ad I put up on this post got hundreds of impressions but no one clicked really and then impressions fell to 10 per day because the computer figured out it wasn't popular (and it wasn't).
I still believed this post had value, so I killed that ad and rewrote it - that ad got hundreds of impressions and stayed there. It's been a popular post and the click through rate on my ad is great.
It's not a bad idea to split test ads on posts (run two ads at once on one post) and see which one performs better and then kill the less performing ad.
I still believed this post had value, so I killed that ad and rewrote it - that ad got hundreds of impressions and stayed there. It's been a popular post and the click through rate on my ad is great.
It's not a bad idea to split test ads on posts (run two ads at once on one post) and see which one performs better and then kill the less performing ad.
Your titles and text need to be different when you split test.
Also remember, FanBox stats run about 24-48 hours behind on reporting ad stats.
You Can Buy Ads on Other People's Posts Too!
Love this post? Make money off what I know.
You can buy an ad for THIS post and make money for yourself and a tiny bit comes to me. If there's a blog post you love on FanBox, you can absolutely create your own ad and promote it. You don't have to recreate the post on your own blog.
When you're reading a post on Fanbox, just look off on the right-hand side of the page there and scroll down a bit and you'll see the option to make an ad for this post and that option is on all posts on FanBox. If you do this, I highly recommend changing the text and image on the ad you run to be unique or your ad may be rejected for being a duplicate.
Love this post? Make money off what I know.
You can buy an ad for THIS post and make money for yourself and a tiny bit comes to me. If there's a blog post you love on FanBox, you can absolutely create your own ad and promote it. You don't have to recreate the post on your own blog.
When you're reading a post on Fanbox, just look off on the right-hand side of the page there and scroll down a bit and you'll see the option to make an ad for this post and that option is on all posts on FanBox. If you do this, I highly recommend changing the text and image on the ad you run to be unique or your ad may be rejected for being a duplicate.
There is no "one size fits all" for ads.
You have to watch each ad individually and stay on top of them.
As long as clicks are going up or staying level- the public is interested and keep that ad alive and increase your advertising budget as you see fit.
When clicks go down - change the funding to Knowledge Investor and make a new ad if you want to continue to promote the post or move on to promoting a new post.
Utilize Your Entire Daily Budget by Investing in Other People's Ads!
A new feature was launched you should know about. When you put up an ad for a post, you will see a new option that reads, "Maximize my earnings by utilizing my entire daily budget whenever possible".
Okay, what this means when your entire daily budget has not been spent on your ad, you're giving the okay for FanBox to fund other people's ads.
For example, let's say that I had an ad that had a daily budget of $30.
Let's say that I spent $10 on my own clicks leaving $20 that can go towards funding other's ads so my ad money continues to work for me.
You have to watch each ad individually and stay on top of them.
As long as clicks are going up or staying level- the public is interested and keep that ad alive and increase your advertising budget as you see fit.
When clicks go down - change the funding to Knowledge Investor and make a new ad if you want to continue to promote the post or move on to promoting a new post.
Utilize Your Entire Daily Budget by Investing in Other People's Ads!
A new feature was launched you should know about. When you put up an ad for a post, you will see a new option that reads, "Maximize my earnings by utilizing my entire daily budget whenever possible".
Okay, what this means when your entire daily budget has not been spent on your ad, you're giving the okay for FanBox to fund other people's ads.
For example, let's say that I had an ad that had a daily budget of $30.
Let's say that I spent $10 on my own clicks leaving $20 that can go towards funding other's ads so my ad money continues to work for me.
Import Your Existing Blogs From Outside of FanBox.
Do you have a Blogger, WordPress, or TypePad blog? Import your existing blogs and let them earn for you on FanBox! Just go to your Dashboard and then click the Produce tag. You'll see an option to Import Blogs. Just click that box and follow instructions.
Do you have a Blogger, WordPress, or TypePad blog? Import your existing blogs and let them earn for you on FanBox! Just go to your Dashboard and then click the Produce tag. You'll see an option to Import Blogs. Just click that box and follow instructions.
Categorize and Rate Posts for Money!
This is a cool feature on FanBox. Scroll down to the bottom of any post and look at the box where there are tags. You can rate each one of those tags as to how accurately it describes the post you just read. Remember, you're not giving your opinion about the article, you're simply rating how well the post relates to the chosen tags.
This is a cool feature on FanBox. Scroll down to the bottom of any post and look at the box where there are tags. You can rate each one of those tags as to how accurately it describes the post you just read. Remember, you're not giving your opinion about the article, you're simply rating how well the post relates to the chosen tags.
Let's say, one of the tags I chose for this article was "friendship".
Ask yourself, "If I were searching for information on FanBox about friendship would I use this post as a source of information for friendship?"
Obviously, not you'd rate that tag very low because this post has nothing to do with friendship.
Ask yourself, "If I were searching for information on FanBox about friendship would I use this post as a source of information for friendship?"
Obviously, not you'd rate that tag very low because this post has nothing to do with friendship.
The FanBox computer will "learn" how well you rate things and reward you accordingly. You can read exactly how this works at Tips for Being a Knowledge Qualifier.
Also, you earn ad credits you can use now to purchase ads through categorizing and rating; now let me tell you why this is so good.
Also, you earn ad credits you can use now to purchase ads through categorizing and rating; now let me tell you why this is so good.
Also, feel free to add more tags that you feel are relevant to the post and rate those too.
The payment for qualifying (C&R) is in ad credits.
Use those ad credits you earn through C&R and put up some blog posts and advertise them and you'll help keep your C&R earnings at a maximum.
Use those ad credits you earn through C&R and put up some blog posts and advertise them and you'll help keep your C&R earnings at a maximum.
I can't say this enough - Boost! Boost! Boost!
If you want to make money fast and make money NOW.
This is the way.
This is a very cool feature on FanBox.
From your Dashboard, click on Boost and you will have the opportunity to create a portfolio. Here's how Knowledge Booster works. There are billions of ads on FanBox that don't have funding and they are attached to great posts. So Knowledge Booster uses money invested by FanBox members to fund those ads. The blog owner makes money as if they funded the ad themselves and the person investing money into Booster will make a sweet return on their investment. As long as you ask for 102% return or better, you cannot lose money.
Read more about investing here and don't be afraid of investing!
When Boost wants to utilize funds for ads, it will go through and spend the money of the people asking for the lowest return on their investment first.
So if I asked for 105% return and Boost spent my $200 funding ads and then moved on to you and you wanted 120% return for your money and Boost spent your money funding ads too, me and everyone before you will have our returns raised to 120%.
That's a better deal than my bank is is giving me on my money market account, I'll tell you that.
So if I asked for 105% return and Boost spent my $200 funding ads and then moved on to you and you wanted 120% return for your money and Boost spent your money funding ads too, me and everyone before you will have our returns raised to 120%.
That's a better deal than my bank is is giving me on my money market account, I'll tell you that.
Once Boost has used up your portfolio, you will have to either reinvest or create a new portfolio if you want to invest again, Boost does not invest a portfolio more than one time on that entire investment.
Be a Teacher
FanBox Teacher is live now and it's really neat. If you have friends that want to be a part of FanBox, they can join and they have two weeks to choose a Teacher. They can choose anyone they want - including YOU. It's a great way to bring friends and family on board and if they do choose you, you will earn 10% of what they earn the first 6 months they are on FanBox. Your earnings do NOT come out of their earnings. It costs them nothing. Then, for the next 6 months (months 7-12 of their FanBox usership) you will earn 6% of what they earn. After a year (months 13 and onwards), you earn 3% FOREVER!
FanBox Teacher is live now and it's really neat. If you have friends that want to be a part of FanBox, they can join and they have two weeks to choose a Teacher. They can choose anyone they want - including YOU. It's a great way to bring friends and family on board and if they do choose you, you will earn 10% of what they earn the first 6 months they are on FanBox. Your earnings do NOT come out of their earnings. It costs them nothing. Then, for the next 6 months (months 7-12 of their FanBox usership) you will earn 6% of what they earn. After a year (months 13 and onwards), you earn 3% FOREVER!
Build Your Own Blogging Community
Interact with the people who are already interacting with you.
It's a great way to build a friendship with the people who already like your blogs.
The Newsfeed goes fast and you're going to miss comments from people on your blog posts. Instead of opening each and every post you've done. If you want to see who's commented on your blogs, do this:
Go to the Home Page
Uncheck Fans, Uncheck Friends and hit the go button.
It will load only your posts that others have liked and commented on and some posts from others that specifically fit your interests.
Interact with the people who are already interacting with you.
It's a great way to build a friendship with the people who already like your blogs.
The Newsfeed goes fast and you're going to miss comments from people on your blog posts. Instead of opening each and every post you've done. If you want to see who's commented on your blogs, do this:
Go to the Home Page
Uncheck Fans, Uncheck Friends and hit the go button.
It will load only your posts that others have liked and commented on and some posts from others that specifically fit your interests.
Understand the following things WILL potentially make you money:
*Publishing blog posts.
*Buying ads on your posts or other people's posts.
*Invest into Knowledge Investor
*Keep track of your ads and watch your clicks and impressions.
*Categorize and rate posts you like for ad credits you can use to earn more money.
*You don't have to "Like" and comment on every blog, just do it on the blogs you like; leaving worthwhile comments will earn you Fans because people will get interested in you through your comments. Fans equal readers and that equals potential earnings.
*Publishing blog posts.
*Buying ads on your posts or other people's posts.
*Invest into Knowledge Investor
*Keep track of your ads and watch your clicks and impressions.
*Categorize and rate posts you like for ad credits you can use to earn more money.
*You don't have to "Like" and comment on every blog, just do it on the blogs you like; leaving worthwhile comments will earn you Fans because people will get interested in you through your comments. Fans equal readers and that equals potential earnings.
Understand the following things will NOT make you money:
*Asking people to view your blogs and you'll view theirs.
*Posting Photos and commenting on photos won't make you money.
*Sitting on other people's blogs and asking them to do the same won't make you money.
*Posting your blogs in the news feed and asking people to visit.
*Emailing your blog list to people and asking them to visit.
*Participating in "Click Clubs" (Where groups of people visit each other's blogs and comment).
*Using software programs like Mass Traffic and other devices to drive traffic to your blogs.
*Commenting on blogs doesn't make anyone money, including the blog owner.
*Reading blogs does not earn you money.
*Asking people to view your blogs and you'll view theirs.
*Posting Photos and commenting on photos won't make you money.
*Sitting on other people's blogs and asking them to do the same won't make you money.
*Posting your blogs in the news feed and asking people to visit.
*Emailing your blog list to people and asking them to visit.
*Participating in "Click Clubs" (Where groups of people visit each other's blogs and comment).
*Using software programs like Mass Traffic and other devices to drive traffic to your blogs.
*Commenting on blogs doesn't make anyone money, including the blog owner.
*Reading blogs does not earn you money.
I read on Johnny Cash's blog the basics of how it works and I'll paraphrase here:
When you write a blog post - that post is blasted around FanBox to users you don't even know based on the keywords you chose for the blog and your content.
THOSE are also people that will make you money by reading your blogs.
When you write a blog post - that post is blasted around FanBox to users you don't even know based on the keywords you chose for the blog and your content.
THOSE are also people that will make you money by reading your blogs.
Interests are pegged by blogs they've written and blogs they've followed as well as blogs they have commented on.
See why doing your research and choosing those keywords is so important now?
When those people who have genuine interest in your content visit your blog, those are the folks you get paid for.
Making money on FanBox isn't hard.
Just do what you love, share information and videos you find interesting, tell your own story and make new friends. The money will follow.
See why doing your research and choosing those keywords is so important now?
When those people who have genuine interest in your content visit your blog, those are the folks you get paid for.
Making money on FanBox isn't hard.
Just do what you love, share information and videos you find interesting, tell your own story and make new friends. The money will follow.
Make sense?
Happy Blogging and hope to see YOU in the top 10 soon!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this article.
Check out FanBox and be my student here :
Happy Blogging and hope to see YOU in the top 10 soon!
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this article.
Check out FanBox and be my student here :