FanBox Blogging

How to Make Love Whole night!
The Rules for Staying in Love Keeping a relationship alive is an ongoing task, but its rewards are clearly worth the effort. For most men and women, good intentions and loving hopes are necessary but not enough to ensure commitment or a love that grows and matures with the years. RULE #1 RELATIONSHIPS DON'T JUST HAPPEN, WE CREATE THEM We, too often, "fall" in love. We do not consciously decide to become lovers, It is something that seems to happen, that we observe with delight and amazement.The truth of the matter is that while love's rewards can be priceless, it costs something to achieve them. Good relationships do not just happen, they are the result of conscious effort and work. Good intentions are not enough.

What Women Want 69
Why Regular Sex is Necessary for Health? It is common perception about love making that it is just a source of pleasure and sexual satisfaction without any health benefits. Even some people feel that frequent lovemaking may cause nervous weakness or other negative effects on health. Surprisingly the facts are totally different from the common perceptions. You may like to know that love making is not only good for adults but its regular practice have positive health effects. It helps you sleep well, relieves stress, protects from depression and control your body weight as it burn calories. It is not all; there are so many other reasons as why you need to have sex more often and regularly.

Why Women Rule The Internet:
Why Women Rule The Internet: Just consider these stats: Facebook—over 600 million users. Twitter—25 billion tweets last year. Tumblr—1 billion page views a week. Zynga—100 million users on Cityville in just 6 weeks. We’re witnessing a generation of consumer web companies growing at an unprecedented rate in terms of both user adoption and revenue. But here’s a little secret that’s gone unnoticed by most. It’s women. Female users are the unsung heroines behind the most engaging, fastest growing, and most valuable consumer internet and e-commerce companies. Especially when it comes to social and shopping, women rule the Internet. Consider some more data. Comscore, Nielsen, MediaMetrix and Quantcast studies all show women are the driving force of the most important net trend of the decade, the social web. Comscore says women are the majority of users of social networking sites and spend 30% more time on these sites than men; mobile social network usage is 55% female according to Nielsen. In e-commerce, female purchasing power is also pretty clear. Sites like Zappos (>$1 billion in revenue last year), Groupon ($760m last year), Gilt Groupe ($500m projected revenue this year), Etsy (over $300m in GMV last year), and Diapers ($300m estimated revenue last year) are all driven by a majority of female customers. According to Gilt Groupe, women are 70% of the customer base and they drive 74% of revenue. And 77% of Groupon’s customers are female according to their site. Women even shop more on Chegg, which offers textbook rentals on college campuses across the country. Males and females attend college at an almost even rate. Renting would seem an equal opportunity money saver, plus it’s better for the planet. But according to Chegg, females are 65% of renters. Why? Renting requires a little more advanced planning. Chegg’s

Successful First Date
Express Yourself with Color on Your Wedding Day Did you know that every color has a specific meaning or symbolism? Just like horoscopes, some people believe in these symbols and meanings and others do not. Whether you believe it or not, certain colors certainly do exude specific energies (red is hot, yellow is cheerful, etc) and the colors that you choose for your wedding theme can have a big impact on the overall success of your big day. Here is a closer look at what the specific meanings are behind the most popular wedding colors: The color RED signifies passionate love: Red is the warmest color of all and is the most chosen wedding color for couples (or brides) with outgoing, confident personalities. Be careful not to overuse red or it can come across as garish and tacky. In Asian culture, red is the color of eternal joy and prosperity, and therefore red is a popular color for Chinese brides to wear on their wedding day. In Western culture, red is the color of passion and red roses symbolize passionate love, often making them a preferred choice for table arrangements and bridal bouquets.

What makes women physically horny - Mental or phys
Welcome Ladies I am using the term attitude because I am not a fan of the commonly used word to describe these women=bitches. So why are these women super hot to guys? Why do men seem to just put up with their crap? If your reading this and asking yourself these questions i have the answers for you. First i must ask do you consider

What Women Say & What They Really Mean 2
Accurate stats on women’s infidelity are understandably hard to come by since – no surprise here – ladies aren’t always keen on ’fessing up to their extracurricular activities. “Affairs are not uncommon,” says clinical psychologist Nancy O’Reilly (aka Dr. Nancy). “Women tend to keep these things to themselves, but there are signs that they’re catching up with the guys.” It’s guesstimated that 14%-40% of married women have intimately tangoed with someone other than their husbands.

Tired of the same old same old? Maybe thisromantic idea for him may help to put a little bit of zest back into your love life instead of the same old routine. When was the last time you really dressed up for your boyfriend or husband? I mean, REALLY dress up! What if you became his very own sexy model for a period of time? Imagine the way he’d look at you when he’s reminded of just how hot and gorgeous you actually are! This idea is a simple one really. All you have to do is give yourself an allotted period of time (one month for instance), and dress up in cute and sexy outfits and take a picture of yourself each day for this period of time and send each picture to your boyfriend or husband. For this to work, you’re going to need a timed camera, or at least someone who can help you take the pictures, as well as a bit of creativity.

Natural Enlargement Tips
Bodyweight exercises need to be part of your program if you want to get jacked. But not just pushups, sit ups and high rep calisthenics. That’s beginner stuff that won’t build any real muscle. We’re talking about really working hard on high tension, advanced bodyweight exercises that can only be done for somewhere between five and ten reps, on average. The nice thing about these is that they’re very natural and can usually be done pain free by most people. They can be added to any program along with barbells, dumbbells and strongman implements. That’s the ultimate combination for building high performance mass. Or you can use nothing but bodyweight exercises. The choice is yours. Below is a list of my top 20 bodyweight exercises for size and strength.

How Flirting Works
How to Get Perfect "10" Girls Ever fumble it up with a beautiful girl? You set one eye on her and instantly were dumbstruck, or thunderstruck – or hey, you gave it a shot and just plain struck out? It’s unbelievably common. Most men are unsure how to act around a girl they consider to be really, really valuable. Right off the bat, there are two problems there: the first is that the guy is unsure how to act. If you’ve been reading our articles here, you should have a good idea of how to act, for sure; but we’ll do a quick refresher here for convenience’s sake. The second problem is less obvious: that the man considers a woman really, really valuable just from looking at her. He laid eyes on her and said, “Wow, she’s gorgeous; I want her more than anything right now.” So what’s happened? What’s happened is, he has no idea if she’s a cool person. He has no idea if she’s fun to hang out with. He has no idea if she has interesting conversation. He has no idea if he has anything to learn by spending time with her. He only wants her for her looks. Imagine it from her perspective. Let’s say you’re a multimillionaire, and EVERYONE knows it. Once you get over the initial fun phase of enjoying your new windfall and the attention it brings you, you begin losing trust in people. So many men and women around you only want to be close to you because they know you have money – they only care about what they can GET from you. They don’t actually care about you at all. All they see is the benefit to themselves from being around you. So they chase after you, blindly pursuing the guy with a big bank account because they’re hypnotized by the idea of how happy they’ll be once they can bask in the pleasure and protection of your wealth. After all, money cures all, right? That’s what they think, anyway.

Two Girls Having Fun
You pass them every day. Local history is built on them. In honor of our licentious past, and in a sincere effort to separate the women from the girls, one writer gets $500 from 7x7—and permission from his wife—to embark on
a highly subjective tour of local strip clubs. I’ll level with you: I’m not much of a strip club guy. I went to one for my bachelor party, but I’m hardly a regular. That said, I dig the idea of tawdry San Francisco, blinking lights, hired flesh, and slick-talking doormen. Luckily, there’s no shortage of grit on any after-dark walk down Broadway. The strip just east of Columbus is also the last vestige of our Barbary Coast past. So I ventured forth to write this story with just one piece of intel, a fact that continues to surprise nudie-bar neophytes: San Francisco law prevents any club that serves alcohol from being fully nude. That’s right, gang. It’s heinies or Heinekens. You must choose your poison.

12 Signs you're falling in Love
60 Tiny Love Stories to Make You Smile Here’s a selection of 60 tiny love stories recently submitted to our sister site,Makes Me Think, that not only made us think, but warmed our hearts and made us smile too. We hope they do the same for you. Today, my 75-year-old grandpa who has been blind from cataracts for almost 15 years said to me, “Your grandma is just the most beautiful thing, isn’t she?” I paused for a second and said, “Yes she is. I bet you miss seeing that beauty on a daily basis.” “Sweety,” my grandpa said, “I still see her beauty every day. In fact, I see it more now than I used to when we were young.” MMT

I love your lips when they're wet
Many of us attempt to measure our happiness based on the duration of certain favorable experiences in our lives. The longer a favorable experience lasts, the happier we think we’ll be. But the truth is, life is simply a string of small, independent moments that are always changing. Thus, a few minutes well spent here and there can make a big difference in what we get out of life in the long-term. Here are 30 things you can do in 30 minutes or less that will have a positive emotional effect on you and those closest to you. And yes, I realize some of these suggestions may lead to activities and projects that will likely take longer than 30 minutes to complete; but they still take far less than 30 minutes to start. So go ahead and do the hardest part, use the next 30 minutes to START, and then pick up where you left off tomorrow. Learn something new by starting a free course at one of the hundreds of online self-education resources bookmarked here: 12 Dozen Places To Educate Yourself Online For Free. Watch one of the thousands of educational videos streaming at,Academic Earth, or Khan Academy. Read an online book list and find a new book to grab next time you’re at the library. Here’s another list. And another. And another. Andanother. Or find a good read on Amazon’s Best Sellers List. Start reading a classic book online for free at Project Gutenberg, The

How to Flirt with Women
How to Flirt with Women – An important aspect of being attractive to women and being boyfriend material is your ability to flirt with them. Flirting with women is all about showing your self-confidence and your charisma. Women find this really attractive in a man. So, if you want to increase your appeal to the women, you ought to work on your flirting skills. How to Flirt with Women – It’s all about grabbing the chance When it comes to flirting, it is all about grabbing your chance and making the best of it. When you see women in gatherings or parties, you should make yourself used to not shying away from them. Instead of this, you ought to make the first move and approach her. Grabbing this chance and flirting with her a little is not going to hurt anyone and it’s harmless. If you want to master the art of flirting, then you have to master

Courtney Stodden to Vanessa Hudgens, Bikini Babes On Bikes (PHOTOS) View the Gallery / 9 Photos » BIKINI BODS 2012! The best celebrity bikinis of far.26 Photos » COCO'S BIKINI MOMENTS Nicole "Coco" Austin loves her skimpy bikinis!18 Photos »

Excellent Images
It doesn’t matter if you are pet lover or not I bet this collection of super cute animals will be more than sufficient to break your stiffness

Prettiest Female Celebs Without Make-Up
Red Carpet Eye Makeup Many enjoy admiring the flowing gowns and carefully coiffed hairdos worn on the red carpet, yet it's their spectacular makeup that is the most attainable aspect for most women. While the events you attend might not always reach the glamour levels of an awards show or film premier, you can still look like a star with leading-lady makeup. Take your cue from some celebrity beauties to achieve that perfect Hollywood look.

Hot Picz
Classic Photos of Celebrities Jimi Hendrix & Mick Jagger, New York, 1969 The Beatles and Mohammad Ali, 1964

Around the World 2012
Gisele Bundchen No.1 Surprise surprise! Supermodel Gisele Bundchen reigns supreme on Forbes’ list of highest paid supermodels in the world. The sun-kissed beauty raked in $45 million from modeling, endorsements, licensing and real estate ventures between May of 2011 and May of 2012.

Interesting Posts
A Pirates Guide To Downloading Free Stuff, No Torrents, Faster Speeds, No Problem I love free stuff. I also love it when free stuff actually isn’t supposed to be free. If you haven’t caught on by now, let me spell it out for you: pirating. Not that it’s a good thing to pirate music or software or movies, but when you’re broke as hell, sometimes it’s just a good idea to do a few Google searches. And there are faster ways to get the files you want without using torrents and praying that the file you want has been seeded. This is a guide to get what you want faster than any other method I have discovered. Trista - New Age Pirate And the risk of you getting a virus using this method is about the same as it would be if you’re using a torrent. I’ve done this over 500 times and have never, not once, got a virus, so take this into consideration. Don’t download files that seem strangely small. No album or movie is only going to be 2MB. Be smart when you’re downloading, not just with this method, but with everything. Also, you’ll be getting over 800KB/s depending on your internet connection. This is safe, simple, and fast. Enjoy. If you want an album literally any album there are a few ways to go about doing this, and they all involve Google. All you have to do is this:

Add Floating Share Buttons
Apart from working on traffic and search engine optimization (SEO), there’s a need to intergrate your blog with popular social networking platforms. A floating share buttons (social bookmarking) widget by the right of every page is just one of the gadgets you must add to your blog if you intend to get free traffic from facebook and twitter. I wrote a post last week that went viral thanks to the power of facebook sharing. The post received close to 500 facebook likes in just a week! Underestimating the power of share buttons is like neglecting a major source of traffic to your blog. I’ve already written several posts on integrating your blogger hosted site with facebook, google plus and the rest of them. These posts include adding like buttons to individual blog posts, adding google plus buttons to blog posts, facebook comment box for blogger and large share buttons under blog posts among others.

How to get Likes
Get More People to 'Like' You I am not for a moment suggesting that you are unpopular. In fact, it actually appears that many people, even those with large social media followings have difficulty being "liked." Happily, social media makes it relatively easy today to engage others and even easier to measure how others engage with you. The flip side is we can no longer optimistically speculate on our efficacy.

Cashed Out $500+

It's Been Almost one Year
It's Been Almost 1 Year I'll start of with I wake up and make my coffee thinking of what I made the day before. Hopeing for the best. I did start fanbox sometime in October not thinking about this is as much as I do know. Well today is Sunday May 5th, 2012. And my day begun. I wake about 3,4 or 5am everyday in my quite home listening to my coffee perk. Oh what a grand sound :) No noise in the house, no car or horns screaming outside. I so love mornings. Many don't know but kids? Yes I do have kids, you might not believe me but I do. I'm finally giving in tonight and its 1:09pm on the 5th of May. Here's a real photo of my kids, my loving girls lacey & lyndsay an hubby from the left lacey, syerra, shyloh

Computer Design
Making Web Pages Easy to Read All web users benefit from clear, readable text on web pages. People with visual impairments are particularly helped. On this page: Don’t use too many font sizes Use sans-serif face for all body copy Don’t use too many typefaces Emphasis Alignment Contrast in text Case / Capitalisation Spacing text Text block size Don’t use too many font sizes Font sizes are a great differentiator. They work as signs that say "Here is something important" or "Here is a new section – This big bit tells you what the section is about, the small stuff below is the actual content". Just like any other means of visually differentiating elements, there needs to be a sufficient level of visual difference for text size to work. For this reason, it is not recommended to use more than 3 different main font sizes to render your main content (i.e. main header, sub-header, body). This only applies to the main body content. Other screen elements may use alternative sizes (such as superscript/subscript, labels, advertisements, separate nav links, footer nav etc.)

FanBox Ad Standards
When you become a teacher, give your students this 5 point plan and kick start their earnings on FanBox! Once you've done the steps and seen your profit, do the steps again and repeat the increase in your earnings on FanBox. My purpose for joining FanBox was to be able to earn a little extra money, meet new people and be able to help people along the way. Since joining FanBox, I have been able to do all of the above and so much more! What about you? Why did you join?

NEWEST VIDEOS MASSIVE $5000 LASER GIVEAWAY! Thursday, May 10th, 2012 | Comments Off Here is a massive laser giveaway for my fans! 5 Arctic and 5 Krypton Laser Kits valued at over $5000! (+141 rating, 169 votes) LASERS VS. IPAD 3! Thursday, April 26th, 2012 | Comments Off Watch as a wall of burning lasers takes on the iPad3. Then the wicked lasers Flash Torch followed by the Solar Death Ray finish it off! Boom...sizzle! (+49 rating, 179 votes)

Study: 'Smart Bomb' Drug Attacks Breast Cancer
Study: 'Smart Bomb' Drug Attacks Breast Cancer Doctors have successfully dropped the first "smart bomb" on breast cancer, using a drug to deliver a toxic payload to tumor cells while leaving healthy ones alone. In a key test involving nearly 1,000 women with very advanced disease, the experimental treatment extended by several months the time women lived without their cancer getting worse, doctors planned to report Sunday at a cancer conference in Chicago. More importantly, the treatment seems likely to improve survival; it will take more time to know for sure. After two years, 65 percent of women who received it were still alive versus 47 percent of those in a comparison group given two standard cancer drugs.

Skyes Fans & Friends
Angel Syed Great Blogs Watch Hot Star Sunny Leon on Video 10 Stunning Photos of Adriana Lima German fashion models

Norms Fanbox Story
MY FANBOX STORY I'll start of with I wake up and make my coffee thinking of what I made the day before. Hopeing for the best. I did start fanbox sometime in October not thinking about this is as much as I do know. Well today is Sunday May 5th, 2012. And my day begun. I wake about 3,4 or 5am everyday in my quite home listening to my coffee perk. Oh what a grand sound :) No noise in the house, no car or horns screaming outside. I so love mornings. I know I have posted girl blogs and articles, but ya know I was not really into blogging until I joined fanbox. I've been to busy with my kids. So I kept up with fanbox and others were talking to me, and I didnt know anyone. All these nice comment from others. Unlike facebook or myspace, which made me so curious on why. Well as I was moving my way through this site I had to teach myself all the buttons and where to go. For quite sometime I was lost ,but learned by watching all of ya'll posts. They were not anything like facebook etc. So I started posting, wow I said, articles? whats this. Then someone at that time told me I'll make money for posting someones article. Cool I thought. Then I came across a button saying

"Baby's First Year"
Baby products: Must-haves for the first year Products you need for your baby What baby products are essential for the first year? Here's a list of the main things you'll need to clothe, move, and feed your baby, as well as give him a safe place to sleep and explore. If you want to go beyond the basics, check out this list of product "extras" that can make the first year easier. We have specific information about the supplies you need in the first six weeks and what to put on your baby registry, too. Baby clothing Baby clothing is usually sized as preemie, newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months. Some babies never need newborn sizes (they go straight to 3 months), but that's hard to predict in advance, so you may want to have some on hand. Also, babies grow quickly, so make sure you have the next size up!

Fix every ache and pain yourself
Fix every ache and pain yourself People aren’t lying about their sick days after all: The average British person comes down with 124 ailments a year and 9,672 in a lifetime, according to a new study by the Benenden Healthcare Society. But instead of letting your inner hypochondriac take over, we gathered the best DIY remedies for the top 10 most common ailments. Here’s your guide to fix just about all of your aches and pains. (For 991 more, check out the all-new Athlete’s Book of Home Remedies.)

Enough With All The HoopLaa!, Lets Earn On FanBox

How To Be Attractive by * Norman *
Become Calm, Centered and Focused When you're upset, it takes most of your strength to keep from reacting and doing something hastily. Follow and then practice these seven steps and you may find it easier to resist reacting and have a better chance of responding in a positive way. Over time these steps will become more natural and you'll be able to do them without a great deal of effort. They are also a great skill to teach to your children.

Categorize and Rate System
Categorize and Rate System Categorizing and Rating Points There are many ways to earn in Fanbox like making new post, creating ads, becoming other’s fan and friends, boosting, funding ads-among which Categorizing and rating is one popular method. You may or may not know how your Categorizing and rating points are calculated. Your Categorizing and rating points depend on quality and technique you Categorize and rate others reports. After some research with Categorizing and rating points I would like to share with you all about how Categorizing and rating points are calculated OR how much point you earn with different types of rating. Obviously, the way you categorize and rate the articles and posts in Fanbox depends on how other experts categorize and rate. It also depends on what terms you use and what quality terms you use during Categorizing and rating. Below, I have presented with a very close figure about the points you get by Categorizing and rating the blog posts and the way you earn in corresponding manner. Please have a look below; I have tried my best to make you understand. =============================================== If you only rate all (at least 6) the terms already present on the Categorizing and rating list you will get 12 points. Please see picture below to be clearer:

Our Favorite
Rejuvenating Bath Recipes So, by now you’ve probably come to terms with bubble baths not necessarily being the healthiest, most nourishing alternative for your skin. C’est la vie, crunchy people. C’est la vie. Life goes on, and in much more luxurious, relaxing ways. Here are your 5 ideas to turn your bathtime into a grown-up spa fit for a queen. Or a Kardashian. Or a Kardashian’s stylist (she probably really needs some spa time right now). Or you. Each of them serve a beautifying purpose, and each of them are (of course) environmentally friendly and 100% natural. Straight from nature. No synthetic chemicals applied. 1. Milk and Honey – Bathe Like an Egyptian If it was good enough for Cleopatra, it's good enough for you.

Future Designs Form Beyond Function
Future Designs Form Beyond Function Electric Ferrari… Whaaaaa? The Ferrari Millenio, as the name might allude, is a futuristic super-car concept that features a complex combination of materials and technologies that we can hope will become a serious reality before the end of the next millenium. The two-seater includes a buckypaper reinforced body that is stronger than steel and lighter than carbon fiber as well as dual electric engines that can be recharged via solar panels or through an inductive power transfer system.

Getting Fans and Turning Fans to Friends
13 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing is Worth Your Time When comparing social media traffic to other forms of traffic, such as search engine, the numbers typically are going to look rather bleak. While you’ll hopefully see a spike in number of visitors and pageviews, that will often be accompanied by higher bounce rates, lower pageviews per visitor, and a lower average time on the site. With stats like this many bloggers wonder if social media traffic is even worth the time and effort. Despite the tendency of many social media visitors to quickly exit your site and move on to the next one, there are still some very convincing reasons why you should care about social media and why it is worth your time.

How to Survive in the Jungle
How to Survive in the Jungle Reading may be fundamental, but if this guy doesn't pay attention he'll get his face mauled by a hungry puma. Oliver Strewe/Getty Images Moving Through the Jungle So you're stuck in the jungle and you have food, water andshelter. Life is pretty good. The only problem is that you aren't Mowgli from "The Jungle Book," so eventually you want to get out and back to the warm confines of your

Bikini-Belly Bootcamp
50 Bodyweight Exercises Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, we’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone. Full Body 1. Inchworm: Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. Keeping the legs straight (but not locked!), slowly lower the torso toward the floor, and then walk the hands forward. Once in a push-up position, start taking tiny steps so the feet meet the hands. Continue bugging out for 4-6 reps. 2. Tuck Jump: Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible (pretendJeremy Lin is watching!) and bring the knees in toward the chest while extending the arms straight out. Land with the knees slightly bent and quickly jump (on it) again! 3. Bear Crawl: Embrace that inner grizzly. Starting on the hands and knees, rise up onto the toes, tighten the core, and slowly reach forward with the right arm and right knee, followed by the left side. Continue the crawl for 8-10 reps (or until you scare your roommates off).

11 Awesome Hangover Cures
11 Awesome Hangover Cures Hangovers are the worst. That nasty combo of headache, nausea and gut-pain can cost you precious hours of your life. While there are certainly preventative measures you can take to reduce the likelihood of a hangover (headache medication, food, lots of water before bed, etc.), inevitably you’re going to get stuck with a dirty hangover that you need to crush before it kills your day. Here are 11 awesome hangover cures that you can turn to when you need to ease the pain. 11. Ginger Ginger is an all-purpose digestive aid. You can eat it with sushi, drink some ginger tea or mix ginger juice with water for a nausea-reducing elixir that’ll balance your gastric fluids and calm your system. This powerful antioxidant and anticoagulant can work wonders, but don’t consume fresh ginger on an empty stomach. Mix it up with something else.

WORLD ISLANDS Remembering the exiled of Hawaii Moloka’i, Hawaii I survived the mule ride and made it down into Kalaupapa Valley, looking out to the ocean could be one of the most beautiful places I have seen.

New York Mafia 1900-1920
Mafia: The Morello Family The Morello family is considered to be the first Mafia family of New York, with its leader often tagged the ‘boss of bosses’. The family was eventually broken after it’s leadership was jailed following an investigation by the Secret Service. 1. ARRIVAL TO AMERICA 2. COUNTERFEITING 3. REAL ESTATE & WHOLESALE 4. BLACK HAND ACTIVITIES 5. STRUCTURE & POWER 6. LOSS OF LEADERSHIP 7. DOWNFALL